Bosch Job Openings for Women Professionals for Expereienced December 2011
Name of the Post: Operations and Production (101) Process Planning (102) Lean Manufacturing (103) Manufacturing Quality (104) Purchase Engineering and Quality Management (105) Supplier Development and Training Quality Focus (106) Project Management and Preventative Quality Purchasing (107) Customer Support (108) Application (109) Fatigue Testing and Analysis (110) Engine Testing/Execution (111) Nozzle Design (112) Project Management (113 A) Sales Management (113 B) External Warehouse Management (114) Outbound Logistics (115) Inwarding and Receipt of Materials (116)
Qualification for all Posts: BE/BTech (Mechanical/Production/IE/IP/Mechatronics/Metallurgy/allied branches
Experience: 2-12 years of experience in engineering/auto/auto ancillary industry
Interested candidates can send profile to with in 6th December 2011
Walkin interview in Presidium Delhi,Gurgaon on December 3rd 4th 2011
Name of the Post:
Zonal Head Operations
Zonal Head Administration/School Administration
Head Mistress
Talent Academy Heads
Computer Incharge
School Counsellor/Special Educator
Academic Co ordinator
Activity Teacher
Computer Teacher
Transpot Teacher
Front Office Manager/Fee Incharge
Walkin interview Country Inns and Suites Mysore December 5th to 9th 2011
Department openings:
Food and Beverage Service
Food Production
Kitchen Stewarding
Front Office
Sales and Marketing
Finance/Stores/Receiving/F and B Control
IT and Systems
House Keeping
Training and Learning
Walkin Date:
December 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 2011
10.00 hrs to 18.00 hrs
Country Inn and Suites By carlson,
Mysore,Plot No.345/A,Hebbal Industrail Area
Mysore - 570016
Application Fee: Demand draft for Rs.100/- (For Posts 1-2,1-4 above) and Demand draft for Rs.50/- (For Post 5 above) drawn in favour of MOIL Limited, Nagpur
Desirous candidates may send their applications superscribing on the envelope Application for the post of' for the above posts,to the undersigned, along with detailed bio-data (proforma can be down loaded from our website and attested copies of Certificates and testimonials along with Demand draft.
For Qualification and other details click below: Click Here
Freshers Off campus by Poornam Infovision on December 13th 2011 in Ernakulam
Name of the Post: Jr. Software Engineer (Trainee)
Qualification: # B-Tech Degree – (CS, EC, IT, AE, EI, IC) - EEE not eligible # Cut off Percentage: Aggregate 60.00% in X, XII, BTech (59.99 is invalid) # Batches - 2011 # Students who have written Poornam Test in last 6 months are not eligible # Outside Kerala College students are also eligible
BSNL Maharashtra JTO Junior Telecom Officer Jobs for Freshers November 2011
Name of the Post:
JTO Junior Telecom Officer
BE/B.Tech or equivalent Engineering degree in Telecommunication/Electronics/Radio/Computer/Electrical/Information Technology/Civil/Electronics
Number of Vacancy:
31 posts
Pay Scale:
Rs. 16400-40500
How to Apply:
Application in the prescribed format should be send on or before 12/12/2011 to
DGM (HR & Admn), O/o. The CGM Telecom BSNL,
Maharashtra Telecom Circle,
Admn. Bldg, 3rd floor, B-Wing,
Juhu Road, Santacruz (West),
Mumbai – 400054.
Walkin interview in TCS Bangalore Pune Mumbai on 3rd 4th December 2011 and TCS invites for Walkin interview for Experienced, The details are below:
Name of the Post: Team Members Team Leaders Project Leaders Project Managers
Expereince: 4-8 Years
Job Location: TCS Bangalore,TCS Mumbai
Date of Walkin: 3rd 4th December 2011
Time: 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
Venue: TCS Abhilash, Bangalore - 3rd Dec 2011 TCS Think Campus, Bangalore - 3rd Dec 2011 TCS SJM Towers, Bangalore - 3rd Dec 2011 TCS Yantra Park, Mumbai - 4th Dec 2011 TCS Quadra II, Pune - 4th Dec 2011
Application Fee: A Demand Draft for Rs.500/- in favour of "HLL Lifecare Limited" payable at Trivandrum
How to Apply: Only through Online mode
Last Date: For receipt of ONLINE APPLICATION : 30.11.2011 For receipt of Demand Draft & printout of the online application in the above mentioned address : 07.12.2011
Goodrich Freshers jobs as Graduate Engineer Trainee-Software Development November 2011
Name of the Post:
Graduate Engineer Trainee-Software Development
Job Code:
Job Description:
Responsibilities of the Graduate Engineer Trainee are varied and may include but not be limited to:
- Implementing various Software applications' modules including designing user interfaces.
- Coding and Testing across a variety of platforms (Linux,Windows)
- Interacts closely with SW team to understand the Requirements/Designs, and start implementation with minimal guidance from Seniors.
- The trainee engineer shall also be trained in various SW development methodologies and Goodrich Process.
Candidate should be Fresher and shall be a Bachelor of Engineering/Technology (B.E/BTech,.) in Computer Science or Information Science or Electronics.
To apply and for more details click below: Click Here
Note: All the RGUHS examinations scheduled for 27/12/2011 has been postponed. The dates of re-scheduled examinations will be notified shortly on the RGHUS website.
MBBS exams for all terms will be conducted from 26th of December 2011.
Below is the 2nd year MBBS exam time table: 26th December 2011 - Pathology Paper 1 - 9.00 am to 12.00 pm 27th December 2011 - Pathology Paper 2- 9.00 am to 12.00 pm 29th December 2011 - Microbiology Paper 1- 9.00 am to 12.00 pm 30th December 2011 - Microbiology Paper 2- 9.00 am to 12.00 pm 2nd January 2012 - Pharmacology Paper 1- 9.00 am to 12.00 pm 3rd January 2012 - Pharmacology Paper 2- 9.00 am to 12.00 pm 4th January 2012 - Forensic Medicine and Toxicology- 9.00 am to 12.00 pm
Below is the 3rd Year MBBS Exam Time Table: 26th December 2011 - Community Medicine - Paper 1 27th December 2011 - Community Medicine - Paper 2 29th December 2011 - Opthomology 30th December 2011 - ENT
Please note all other terms exam time table will be published soon.
Note: Source of this time table is from a Medical Student of Raja Rajeshwari College and also note to confirm the time table from respective colleges
Wipro Wista Walkin interview for Freshers Science Graduates November 28th December 3rd 2011 in Noida and Andrapradesh
Eligibility for WiSTA 2011: 1. B.Sc. Graduates from Chemistry / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Biotechnology / Nutrition & Dietetics / Bioinformatics/ Visual Communication / Botany / Zoology / Biology / Marine Biology / Marine Biotechnology / Home Science / Hotel Management & Food Technology 2. 50% in Graduation with no standing arrears 3. MSc all streams 50% in Graduation & PG with no standing arrears 4. BCA, B.Sc graduates who do not have maths in 12th Standard can also apply for WiSTA 5. Science Graduates of the year 2011
Date of Walkin and Venue: Greater Noida Date: 28th November 2011 Venue: Wipro Technologies, Special Economic Zone, Plot No. 2, 3 & 4, Gautam Budh Nagar, Greater Noida – 201306. Registration Time: 9 am - 10 am Contact Person: Hitesh Parmar
Andhra Pradesh Date: 3rd December 2011 Venue: Wipro STPI, Gate No: 1, Survey No: 203/1, Manikonda Village, Gachibowli, Hyderabad – 500 032. Registration Time: 9 am - 10 am Contact Person: Narendra Gannavarapu
Skills: Sound knowledge of Programming Languages & Writing Programmes using dotnet, HTML, Java and related areas.
The candidates who fulfill the qualifications / experience may submit their CV through email to duly indicating the post applied for.
Date of Walkin: 29th November 2011
Time: On or Before 11.00 am
Venue: Centre on Geo-informatics Application in Rural Development (CGARD), NIRD National Institute of Rural Development Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030
Air India Air Transport Services Limited AIATSL Walkin interview on 22nd-24th 29th 30th November 2011
Name of the Post: 1. SR CUSTOMER AGENT - 07 Posts - Chennai 2. CUSTOMER AGEN - 80 Posts - Chennai 3. SR RAMP SERVICE AGENT - 15 Posts - Chennai 4. RAMP SERVICE AGENT - 18 Posts - Chennai
Walkin Date for SL.No 1: 22 Nov 2011
Walkin Date for SL.No 2: 23rd 24th Nov 2011
Walkin Date for SL.No 3: 29th Nov 2011
Walkin Date for SL.No 4: 30th Nov 2011 and 01st Dec 2011
Time: 08.00 am to 11.00 am only
Application Fee: Rs.300/- by means of an A/c Payee Demand Draft in favour of “Air India Air Transport Services Ltd.”, payable at Mumbai
Date of Walkin interview: Positions at Sl. No. 1 to 4 - on 22nd November, 2011. Positions at Sl. No. 5 - on 25th November, 2011 Positions at Sl. No. 6 to 11 - on 29th November, 2011
Time: 9.30 AM
Walkin interview in ECIL ELECTRONICS CORPORATION OF INDIA Ltd 27th November 2011
Name of the Post: 1. Scientific Assistant (C) - 3 Posts - 12,000/- & 12,450/-during 1st, & 2nd year respectively. 2. Junior Artisan (C) - 7 Posts - 9,200/- & 9,350/-during 1st & 2nd year respectively
Qualification: 1. A First class Diploma in Engineering with at least 60% aggregate marks in Electrical/Computers/IT/ Instrumentation/Electronics and Communication.Should have post qualification experience in the field of Testing/Maintenance of Control & Instruments/Electronics & Communication/Computers
2. Should have passed ITI (2 years duration) in the trades of Electronics/Electrical/ Computers/Instrumentation. Should have post Qualification Industrial experience in the field of testing/maintenance of Pneumatic & Electronics Instruments / Communication gadgets/Electronics Systems/Computers
Date of Walkin: 27th November 2011
Venue: B-2, Local Shop-ping Centre, DDA, B7, A Block, Ring Road, Naraina, Delhi- 110028
Email your resume with your date of Birth,contact number and personal email ID stating the following in the subject line: "Code - Technology - Years of the experience - Preferred Location of interview" and mail to
SIDBI Bank Recruitment of Specialist Officers November 2011
Name of the Post:
Chief Economist (in the rank of CGM)
Chief General Manager(Capital Advisory Services – SME Exchange)
Chief General Manager(Marketing of Financial /Loan products)
General Manager (Human Resources & Industrial Relations)
General Manager (Risk Management)
General Manager (Treasury)
Deputy General Manager (Taxation)
Deputy General Manager (Audit & Inspections)
Assistant General Manager (Risk Management)
Assistant General Manager (Treasury)
Assistant General Manager (Taxation)
How to Apply:
Duly filled in application (in English or Hindi), as per the format available on the Bank’s website with a recent passport size photograph pasted thereon, bearing full signature of the candidate across the same with date, should be sent so as to reach the Chief GeneralManager, Human Resources Development Department (HRDD), Small IndustriesDevelopment Bank of India, Head Office, SIDBI Tower, (II Floor), 15, Ashok Marg,Lucknow - 226001 on or before December 11, 2011. The envelope containing the application should bear the superscription “Application for the post of……………………………..(Name of Post & Post Code)”.
Scanned copy of the application may also be forwarded by e-mail at and the same should be followed by the hard copy & necessary enclosures as mentioned above.
Last Date:
December 11, 2011
For more details regarding experience and Qualification click below: Click Here
Vijaya Bank Recruitment of Specialist/Generalist Officers November 2011
Name of the Post:
Specialist Officer
Generalist Officer
The detailed advertisement will be displayed on the Bank's website and also will be published in Employment News issue date 26-11-2011
Mode of Application:
Only through Online Mode
Start Date of Online Application:
Last Date to Submit Online Application:
Check Bank's Website on 22 Nov 2011 for more details:
At the time of Campus Recruitment Process: 1. Candidate should have passed the SSC / Xth Std examination in first attempt with minimum 60% or above 2. Candidate should have passed the XII examination in first attempt with minimum 60% or above 3. More than 60% marks in Diploma (if applicable) 4. 60% aggregate marks in the Engineering Degree course
Carl Zeiss Walkin interview in Bangalore on November 19th 2011
Name of the Post: Project Manager Sr Software Engineer for Image Processing Sr Software Engineers for Device Drivers Software Engineer for Visualisation Software Quality Engineer
Experience: 3 - 6 Years
Date of Walkin: November 19th 2011
Time: 10.00 am to 05.00 pm
Venue: Vivanta by Taj 41/3 Mahatma Gandhi Road Bangalore - 560 001